Battlefield Heroes Rising Hub

8,859 likes 5 talking about this. This page purpose is to spread the latest news related to BFH projects. All posts are based in information gathered on those projects.

I recently joined Rising Hub Discord as a player after 1 year of not being admin and active due to another staff member not following his own rules and cheating in his project.It seems that the situation continues, it has never been addressed or an apology presented, staff dealt with this issue by muting and banning people at the time, censoring them, I myself got muted recently for simply stating that the staff doesn't deserve to be respected (due to their actions) and late. R got banned when I rejoined Discord after some weeks of being away on holidays.It's sad to see that the people in charge of BFH nowadays have sank this low, while active during this short period I saw multiple people who I had banned for cheating and breaking project rules, unbanned. Create your facepaint/mask:Use the face template attached to design your item with Photoshop/GIMP or another advanced photo editing software.-Submit your facepaint/mask:Include as many works as you want but know that only 2 masks (1 royal & 1 national) will be chosen per player!There will be 6 winning masks in total (3 royal & 3 national).Send your creation in -creation Discord channel before October 1.The winning masks will be revealed and released in this year's Halloween update later in October!-Posted by Pirate. Due to the high demand of additional event server slots during our last event, an improved version of Flying Friday will once again take place on Friday, 3rd August 2018 between 16:00 and 19:00 (CET) on Flying Friday #1 and Flying Friday #2 ServersFlying Friday is a plane only event taking place on the tropical Wicked Wake island, get those plane engines ready to dogfight against your enemies but be sure to follow the /rules by not leaving your airplane and not using anythin. G else than airplanes and anti-aircraft guns, players who do not follow the rules will suffer severe consequences! New Rising Hub Update!Changelog:- Added new Stolen/Pilfered versions of the following weapons.Veterans 2012 SMG's/MG'sRobots 2012 SMG'sCowboys 2012 SixshootersSpace 2012 Laser SMG's/MG'sRobots 2013 LR SMG'sDefault hand grenadesBattleriflesTEC-9/Micro SMGDefault RPG'sStylish/Dapper RPG'sSuper/Uber RPG'sPunk2 RPG'sMGL'sCivil War Repeater riflesHolidays 2011 Rapid-fire MG'sCrossbow SMG'sAuto crossbow MG'sPanzercuttersAnti-Tank RiflesKatana/NodachiKnight SwordsWW2 ShovelPunk2 Snipers.

All of these include their uber/super counterpartGunner:Short range: Cheeser/Backscratcher (MG)The short range shotguns (Friedrich Flyswatter and its Royal counterpart) are usable aswell, but less prefered.Long Range: Wolfgangs Wonderful/Bernie's Bonechewer aka M249/PKM (MG) or Slugger/Uwe's Overpowered (Shotguns)Combinations:Most people either run the SR & LR Machineguns, or the SR Machinegun paired with the LR Shotgun. You'll occasionally run into people with both LR Shotguns (Dual LR Shotgun) or LR Machinegun & LR Shotgun (The clanwar setup)Explosives: Gunners usually use the standard RPGs. Dragonfires are used very rarely since they don't grant the versatility of the standard RPGs, but they're not unviable at all.SoldierShort/mid range: Tommy's typewriter/Rudolf's Rescue (SMG) aka AK47/M-16 (Not the Specialist's Tier 1!)Long range: Harry's Handcannon/Gerhart's Greatest (Pistols) or Greg's Greasy Gun/The Wacky Machinegun (SMG) or Slugger/Uwe's Overpowered (Shotguns)Combinations: In general soldiers use either the SR/MR Submachine Gun in combination with a LR Pistol, or they wield both LR Pistols.

On occasion you'll see people run the SR/MR Submachine Gun with the LR Submachine Gun in their second weapon slot, but most people don't really like this combo considering the LR Pistol deals more damage than the LR SMG. I've barely seen people use the SR/MR Submachine Guns in combination with the LR Shotguns, but it's a possibility for good short range 1v1 potential.Explosives: Grenades. When playing with newer players you might end up running into a few soldiers that use the MGL, but the Grenades are superior in every situation barring the 'very short range' encounters, which are uncommon considering Blasting Strike exists.Mando:Short range: Knives or Florenz' Flurry/Garreth Custom (Pistols)Long range: Stefan's Sharpshooter/Pipsqueak's Popper aka PKM/M95 (Snipers) or Harry's Handcannon/Gerhart's Greatest (Pistols)Explosives: MGLSetups: Mandos have multiple setups.

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The most common are LR Snipers paired with a LR Pistol, or dual LR Pistol. On occasion you'll see people running the Knife/Sniper combination, but this has a big disadvantage over the LR Pistol set considering you'll have to solely rely on being able to snipe others in mid-range combat, which is a huge portion of the PvP in BFH. LR Pistol with SR Pistol or LR Pistol with Knives are an option aswell (and probably the best knife setups), however not that many people actually like the setup.Might eventually make a video on weapon setups:).

Me talking about the Cheeser here means that you can either take the 'normal' Cheeser or the Super Cheeser, since the difference between the two is barely noticeable.The only weapons where it slightly matters if you're using the Super/Uber version of the gun or not, is on the long range pistols. Since the Super/Uber versions of the LR Pistols add 3 extra bullets, which is pretty useful when you realise Soldiers (/Mandos occasionally) use a LR Pistol as their main source of damage on mid-to-long range.When you use a dual LR Pistol setup on either Mando or Soldier however, this basically becomes unnecessary considering the time you need to reload a gun is shorter than the time you need to fire 8 rounds.TL;DR: Both the Super/Uber and their 'non-Super/Uber' counterpart are viable options.