Breath Of Fire Ii Weapons
RECENT UPDATESBreath of Fire 2 Guides and WalkthroughsThis page here will share minor tidbits, tricks, cheats and hints about Breath of Fire 2. As with many of the other guides on my website these are designed to be very google friendly. If you're stuck, and googling to get done a certain part of the game, that's hopefully how you found this guide!Breath of Fire 2 for the SNES is an RPG and is a direct sequel to the first Breath of Fire. It has some of the same characters, some of the same world locations and you get to revisit a lot of where you went in the first game.
Vampyr review. Vampyr Review. Despite some technical issues and systems that are undercut by a lack of difficulty, Vampyr is a genuine, good vampire story in a well-realized world.
Like many other SNES JRPGs this game requires an insane amount of grinding - especially early on.One of the most unique aspects of Breath of Fire 2 is the ability to build your own town! It's not as customizeable as you might imagine but the concept of being able to build your own town at the time this game was released was quite unique and revolutionary.
Any Retro Gamers out there looking for an unique RPG for the SNES definitely need to try this game.Breath of Fire 2 early on tips and guidanceIn the second town of Breath of Fire 2 (the same town with the Coliseum) you'll be able to speak with the man at the bar and rest for free if it's during the day. You should take some time to grind before moving past this town as you'll definitely need the levels. If you don't want to waste much time grinding (or want to do it mindlessly) I strongly recommend you use my.Before you enter into the Coliseum in the second town you will want to store all the money you have in the bank.
You'll meet someone inside who takes every single penny you have - except what's in your bank! It's the most annoying thing in the entire world - worst of all he joins your party after!A little bit further ahead in the game you'll want to stop and grind a lot after you acquire Sten, the monkey that joins your party. This will be the point in the game where you have the majority of your main party. There'll be a point in the game where you must use Sten, Rand and Nina all on their own so those characters in particular will have to be strong enough to face some tough enemies - solo.Capitan is the next town after you get Sten and it'll have an extremely tough boss if you're not prepared. In this town you'll also meet a man named Ray there who will offer you a.Ryu, Katt, Sten and Nina on the overworld map.After you finish Capitan you'll most likely have to grind a lot again once you get Jean in your party. Arguably even more grinding than you had to do before! Once you get Jean in your party you'll be able to drastically decrease your encounters while walking on the map with his Overworld Special Ability.Using Jean's special ability you'll also be able to grab an extremely powerful early upgrade for Ryu's Dragon powers.-Breath of Fire 2 TownShip GuidesTownShip is the name of the town in Breath of Fire 2 that you help create and can actually choose your own residents for!
Weapon: EmporSD Emperor Sword (ATK 255, WT 1, Use: Char) or Tri-Rang(ATK 150, WT 2, hits all enemies); Shield: DragonSH Dragon.
Each resident you invite to stay in TownShip will offer you a different and unique benefit to assist you with your quest. It's important that you read up on who to choose and why because if you make the wrong choice there's no redo button!-Breath of Fire 2 - Shaman GuideIn Breath of Fire 2 there's a unique fusing system where you can combine up to two Shamans with members of your party which makes them more powerful and sometimes changes their sprite! There are 6 total Shamans to find in Breath of Fire 2 and hundreds of different combinations you can try!-Breath of Fire 2 Ryu's Dragon PowersIn Breath of Fire 2 you can acquire hidden Dragon Powers for Ryu fairly early on in the game (shortly after getting Jean to join your party). These Dragon Powers are extremely powerful and will help you make short work of most boss fights in the game.
They're found in a Waterfall by Simafort.-How to Get Bleu to Join Your PartyLater in the game after you get Grandpa the whale you'll be able to complete a short side quest for Bleu - a reoccuring character from the first Breath of Fire. Bleu is a caster that has many of the same spells as Nina and she'll join your party at level 35 regardless of what level you are. To acquire her you'll need to talk to 3 sprites in a secret location by the Theives Tomb then return to HomeTown and speak with an NPC in the back of the Magic School.-Ryu's Ultimate Weapon EmpireSD (Empire Sword)Ryu's Ultimate Weapon in Breath of Fire 2 can be acquired only when Nina gains the ability to call forth the bird that allows you to fly around the world map. Just east of TownShip you'll want to fight monsters to spawn a fishing location that has a Treasure Chest. Inside will be the EmpireSD.-Ryu's LifeAR (Life Armor) and LoveBR (Love Bracelet)One of the best pieces of chest armor in the game, Life Armor can be fished up from a location northeast of the cave by Gate. You can reach this location shortly after gaining the ability for Nina to call forth the giant bird to fly on. LoveBR can be obtained much earlier in the game from an island just north of Windia.
This item goes into the Charm slot and restores HP every step you take.