Heroes And Castles 2 Wave 8 Guide
Jul 09, 2015 This app has been working nicely with the different models of android devices and gadgets. But, today I will provide you with an easy guide to run Heroes and Castle 2 for PC android app with the step by step explanation given below. How to Download Heroes and Castle 2 for PC? Evil Hunter Tycoon Walkthrough and Guide Ride Out Heroes walkthrough and guide King's Throne Game of Lust walkthrough. Thank you for printing this page from www.SuperCheats.com. Remember to come back to check for more great content for Heroes and Castles 2. New Skills hints and tips for Heroes and Castles 2. Comment Bookmark.
Part I - Starting Out and The BasicsYou will most likely notice that most of this will be similar to my original noob guide, but not exactly. Enjoy!So I'm not going to make a list of 'do. Collect reward', but instead I'm going to show you two main things about getting the most out of beginners protection. One how to get the most prestige in beginners protection and two how to build your city so that you are ready to take on everyone when you get out of beginners protection.Getting the most prestige in beginners protectionFirst you need to know the three basic things:. Never except any promotions until your out of beginners protection. Never upgrade your town hall past level 2 in the first 5 days. Always be building something.By doing this when ever you attack a valley or build a building you get more prestige.
Ultimately this will get you more prestige so you can get in abetter alliance.Now to go into detail with this. The whole point of having a horrible town hall and no promotions is that the game mechanics are made so that if itwere more realistic. Just like honor works. When you attack bigger players and win you can get more honor. Same thing, but instead you get prestige.
Pretty cool huh?Build!It is important that you build non stop especially it being the best way to earn prestige overall! As you build you will notice that after you start building your buildings past level five you get good chunks of prestige. (with a level 2 town hall.)ResearchWhile in this time it is important to focus on the research for your resource production. You also can getreasonable amounts of prestige from research. So I would suggest getting a hero with good intelligence foryour research.(That's what I did for the first 5 days. Then I got a politics hero.)AttackingIn beginners protection of coarse you can not attack other players butyou can attack valleys and NPCs (Don't suggest attacking NPC's).
While inbeginners protection I did attack some, but ultimately I found it not something to rely on for prestige purposes.Kinda simple. Just a way you can get into a better alliance. (Using this I came out of beginners protection with around 90k prestige.)How to build your cityI'm going to divide this into different sections per building.
Stating what level and how many is needed and why.BarracksYou need 10-12 of these. That way you can make more troops quicker.Anymore and you will not have enough room for cottages so you can makelarger amounts of troops at one time.Cottagesyou need 8-10 of these. This is a good amount of cottages for building troopsand for labor force.SawmillsTo start of with(if you have a level 2 town hall) you need 6. You always need lumber!FarmsYou only need 2(at high levels) farms. Mainly because lumber can be sold to buy food and you can farm NPCs later on.QuarryYou don't need any.
Stone is very cheap and you can buy lots of it!!! (You will need one at level 2 for your walls but that's it.)Iron MinesYou only need 6 of these to start of with(if you have a level 2 town hall). They are needed just like lumber.Ware Housebuild only 1.
That way if you get attacked you have food for comforting.(This also means you have toput the storage on food at 100.)InnKeep it at level 1. That way you can destroy it and rebuild it to find new heroes.Relief stationVery important for troop traveling time but not necessary in beginners protection.Overall when you are building try to to focus on getting your barracks, cottages and resource fields at high levels.Wall DefensesWall defenses are good to have, but I would not focus on getting any untilyou are at the last couple days of beginners protection. The most importantone is archer towers.
This is because they can be used more than once,have great range and they are very effective. So if you get to building walldefenses build archer towers.And if you would like to learn more about ware houses I have a good guide on them on hods.com.Noobs After beginners ProtectionSo there's a time right after beginners protection that you are still considered a noob. (This is usually the following week after beginners protection.)In this time you are venerable and can be plundered. Part II - Walls and DefencesYour Walls protect your city and are very important to have, but here I will go into detail on how the wall mechanics work!WallsThe walls are almost like the first line of defense and play a major role in the defense of your city.Wall DurabilityThe way durability used to work is that if the enemy army can't destroy your walls in 100 rounds, they all automatically die.
Now whatever troops were living at the end of the 100th round are able to return home. As you weaken the wall durability it will eventually crumble.Here is an wall durability chart:Level 1 - 100,000Level 2 - 300,000Level 3 - 600,000Level 4 - 1,000,000Level 5 - 1,500,000Level 6 - 2,100,000Level 7 - 2,800,000Level 8 - 3,600,000Level 9 - 4,500,000Level 10 - 5,500,000Wall Range BonusesWalls give out a 5% range bonus to all defending troops. The range bonuses are listed below for each wall level.To find out the range of a specified unit use this equation:Units Range x (Archery Level percent + Walls Range percent) =Examples:Archers: Range=1200, Archery Level 10, Walls level 101200+ 1200. 10 archery.
0.05+ 1200. 10 walls. 0.05= 1200 + 1200.0.5 + 1200.0.5= 2400This is an Archers max RangeArcher Tower: Range=1300, Archer Level 10, Walls level 101300 x 2 = 2600 range. This is a Archer Tower's max RangeUse this equation to get the range of other defending units like ballista, catapults and traps and so on.DefensesSo here are all the fortified units and all about them.TrapsThe trap is designed to kill an even number of all infantry, so 100 warriors, 100 swordsmen, and 100 archers were sent to attack, and the wall had 100 traps, then the attackers would loose roughly 33 warriors, swordsmen, and archers.However, many people have started to send a large number of warriors in one wave, then the rest of the army in the next wave.
This causes the traps to only kill warriors, and not the more expensive troops.It has also been found that if you send 100 warriors at 100 traps, then 100 warriors will die. However if you send 200 warriors then only about 90 warriors will die, 300 and less will die. (This is a rough estimate and the actual numbers could greatly vary.)Overall having a good bit of traps never hurts you.AbatisAn Abatis is a type of fortified unit consisting of wooden barricades with spear points. It is effective only against mounted troops, such as cavalry and cataphract. It has no effect on other units, but is helpful for protecting your city from those who plan to drop your loyalty with cavalry and cataphract.Like all Evony defences it is only effective in huge numbers.Archer TowersTowers built on city walls to provide a vantage point for shooting enemies. Part III - Unit and Combat TacticsHere you will learn about the units, combat tactics and most importantly how to feed your large armies.Feeding Your ArmiesWhen you are feeding your army it usually narrows down to NPC Farming.Here is chart on the troops needed for attacking NPC's and that troop would be the ballista. Only use this troop for 5 and under level NPC's any level after that use large amounts of archers.Number of ballista to successfully farm an NPC.Level One - 20Level Two - 50Level Three - 170Level Four - 250Level Five - 400After level 5 NPC's you begin to take loses, because of the defensive trebuchet.Level Six - 900Level Seven - 2,500Level Eight - 4,000Level Nine - 9,000Level Ten -????
(Way more than 9,000.)The amount of transports is similar to the amount of ballista your sending.Also Remember this with the HBR and Archery tech:Generally speaking Horseback Riding (HBR) has some bugs and it's best to keep your HBR below your archery skill level so your ballistas don't commit suicide. There is a bug where your ballistas might keep moving forward in battle instead of stopping to shoot. If your archery is 8 for example you want your HBR to be 7 or below. You do not want your HBR to be as high as your archery. I've lost 800 ballistas when attacking NPCs and I've seen my friend loose 1200 because of this bug.Unit TypesHere is the information needed to be known about the different troops.WarriorsLife: 200Population: 1Attack: 50Defense: 50Load: 20Upkeep: 3Speed: 200Range: 20Warriors are only effective in large groups, or are more commonly used to clear out the traps of a defending city.WorkersLife: 100Population: 1Attack: 5Defense: 10Load: 200Upkeep: 2Speed: 180Range: 10Workers are completely useless and should never be bought.
They are only needed to make new cities.ScoutsLife: 100Population: 1Attack: 20Defense: 20Load: 5Upkeep: 5Speed: 3000Range: 20Scouts are very important for preventing the scouting of your city (If you keep your gates open) and scouting others. And even in battle we use them in what is known as the scout bomb, which I will talk more about later on.PikemenLife: 300Population: 1Attack: 150Defense: 150Load: 40Upkeep: 6Speed: 300Range: 50This troop is more of something you keep at your city for protection from those annoying pony raids. You will most likely need 10k - 15k+ of these to help protect you phracts' and ponies. For pikes to kill ponies, the required ratio is roughly 3:2 at pikes to ponies.Swords menLife: 350Population: 1Attack: 100Defense: 250Load: 30Upkeep: 7Speed: 275Range: 30These are excellent for defense and by keeping 20k + of these troops at your city along with your archers you have a much better chance of surviving. (Not so great for attacking.)ArchersLife: 250Population: 2Attack: 120Defense: 50Load: 25Upkeep: 9Speed: 250Range: 1200Archers are the most common troop and are very effective. One way you may see these troops being used is in an rainbow, which will be talked about later.CavalryLife: 500Population: 3Attack: 250Defense: 180Load: 100Upkeep: 18Speed: 1000Range: 100These troops are very effective against most things, because of their strength and speed. They are commonly used in pony raids to drop your loyalty.CataphractsLife: 1000Population: 6Attack: 350Defense: 350Load: 80Upkeep: 35Speed: 750Range: 80These troops are great to have and are good for defending or attacking, unfortunately you hardly ever see these troops, because they take so much food.
If you are an more advanced player that has them I've tried rainbowing them with cavalry and scouts for extra protection. Also once they reach any enemy archers it's an 1:8 ratio (phract to Archer).TransportersLife: 700Population: 4Attack: 10Defense: 60Load: 5000Upkeep: 10Speed: 150Range: 10Good for plundering cities and transporting bigger loads. Cheap and not a whole lot to them. Their no good in battle in fact they stay behind the army and only get killed until your army dies.BallistaLife: 320Population: 5Attack: 450Defence: 160Load: 35Upkeep: 50Speed: 100Range: 1400Ballista are your every day siege weapons. Their not so great in battle because of them being so slow and are destroyed by archer towers.
So keep them for NPC farming and nothing else.Battery RamsLife: 5000Population: 10Attack: 250Defence: 160Load: 45Upkeep: 100Speed: 120Range: 600This siege weapon has large amounts of health and if you can get them to attack before reinforcements arrive then your good, but if you get reinforcements that you can't handle then your efforts ware useless.CatapultsLife: 480Population: 8Attack: 600Defence: 200Load: 75Upkeep: 250Speed: 80Range: 1500Everyone says their great and they are, but when reinforcements come you wasted all those resources making them. Not a whole lot you can say about them.War TacticsHere are the effective types of attacks.Rainbow A rain bow is a attack consisting of great amounts ofarchers and one of warriors, cavalry, cataphract, scouts, swordsmen andpikemen. By sending these extra troops you are given extra rounds for yourarchers to attack.Layered Attacks Layered Attacks is a attack consisting of threedifferent attacks that are at most 30 seconds apart. The first attackconsists of mainly warriors. These warriors will die, but they clear outtraps, and other wall defenses for the second attack.
The second attackconsists of archers and sometimes I will throw in some cavalry andcataphracts. This attack will take losses depending on the amount you send.The third attack is basically everything else. This attack finishes up the joband also is for plundering if you want to.Scout Raids Better Know as scout spamming/ scout bombs, this attack consistsof sending 150k plus scouts at a city and yes the scouts will die, but theyare cheap to make. Because they are cheap and fast to make, they canbe made in large numbers real quick, making them perfect for the job.These troops are fast and while in battle can reach archers killing a good30k - 40k if you have 100k - 150k (depending on your heroes attack level).Warrior Raids This is basically the same as a scout spam, but theyare stronger and can make a bigger impact.
They will take loses, butthere is a greater chance of survivors with this strategy. This attackusually consists of 70k plus warriors. Not very commonly used for theheavy loses factor.Pony Raids This is very simple. All you do is send 5k ponies after all the enemiestroops are gone to drop the loyalty.RangeHere's the short and sweet version:Range is important because while some troops may have to walk up to you to attack you can be sitting back attacking them for rounds without even losing a solider.Every soldier starts out with a base range, but by researching archery you can increase that range. By doing so your troops will get more free rounds to shoot your enemies.Here is a picture on how the ranged units work while in battle and how certain troops have to move forward to be able to shoot.Thanks goes to the evony wiki.That's it for combat.Last edited by captian virk; at 03:38 PM.
Part VI - Medals and Promotions.You will most likely remember this from my advanced medal guide.IntroductionAfter along time of research tests and gathering information I have built a guide that will go into detail on how to get medals on nerf servers, world servers, newer servers and older servers. I will also have a section for questions that are asked a lot about medals.
After reading this my old medal guide will be nothing.Notes For All Servers. While you do not have to it has been found helpful to wait an hour before you attack the same valley or NPC.
During that hour all the troops are restored. You do not have to conquer a valley/NPC to get a medal.
Your heroes level or it's attributes do not effect the drop rate. The valley type does not matter. You have the same chance of getting a medal from a valley than you do from getting a medal from swamp. Scout spamming can cause negative prestige, so I wouldn't do it.Medals On Older ServersThis guide applies to servers 1-55.Drop RatesThe drop rates on these servers are most likely the best in evony. They have been estimated at a 10%-15% drop rate.Finding MedalsAll that is below was made my Hods. Before I could not post this guide, because I was unable to properly give credit to hods by giving a link to his guide.Which is located here: Surprising enough it is still up to date even though it has been around for a while.This is the only part of this guide that is not made by me unless it is stated other wise in the credits!!!How to obtain the medals you need:We will list five or less of the most likely places you will find the respective medal.
The first is the highest probability, the second is the next highest, the third the next highest, and so on. Obviously, the first place we list is your best bet of getting that medal. You can of course obtain that medal a different way, but these are the most likely and the Hods way of doing it.Cross Medals:1. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.2. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.Rose Medals:1. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.2.
Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers.3. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers.4. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.5. Attack any level 1 NPC with 50 ballista.Lion Medals:1.
The award-winning Sniper Elite series from Rebellion takes players across the battlefields of World War 2 in exhilarating encounters with axis forces, as you stalk your targets and take deadly aim. Join the fight across PS4, Xbox One and PC. Coming soon to Nintendo Switch and VR Platforms. Sniper elite.
Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).2. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers.3. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers.4. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).5. Attack any level 5 valley with 750 archers.Honor Medals:1.
Attack any level 4 NPC with 300-400 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).2. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).3. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.4. Attack any level 5 valley with at least 750 archers.5. Attack any level 2 NPC with 125-200 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).Courage Medals:1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 350-500 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).2.
Attack any level 4 NPC with 300-400 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.4.
Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.5. Attack any level 3 NPC with 250-300 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).Wisdom Medals:1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 350-500 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level)2.
Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.3. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.4. Attack any level 6 valley with at least 1,500 archers.Freedom Medals:1. Attack any level 5 NPC with 350-500 ballista (depending on your heroes attack level).2. Attack any level 8 valley with at least 7,500 archers.3. Attack any level 7 valley with at least 3,000 archers.Nation Medals:1.
After completely wiping out a level 10 NPC, allow 40,000 warriors to regenerate. Attack and defeat the level 10 NPC with 40,000 warriors regenerated.Justice Medals:1. Attack any level 10 NPC with at least 90,000 archers and a few thousand warriors, pikemen, and swordsmen. Do this at your own risk, and only do it if your heroes attack is very high.THANK-YOU HODS FOR ALL YOUR RESEARCH AND HARD WORK ON THE OLDER SERVERS!!!HIS GUIDE IS LOCATED HERE: On Nerf ServersThis guide applies to servers n1, wn1, wn2, wn3 and wn4.Drop RatesThe drop rates on these servers are the next best to older servers. Part VII:Taxes and LoyaltyHelping Items:There some items that'll help you in times when you have low loyalty.Disaster Relief-Increases loyalty by 5 and decreases public grievance by 15.Praying-Increases by loyalty by 25 and decreases public grievance.Speech Text-Increases loyalty to 100 and decreases public grievance to 0.How Loyalty Works:Loyalty works on how high your tax rate is. Your loyalty can also be affected from a player's attacks.
When they attack you, you will lose loyalty depending on the attack and public grievance will rise as much as the loyalty was taken. Each time you get attacked, grievance rises and population decreases. At loyalty 15, when you attack others, there will be one public grievance and loyalty will go down itself from there.You're probably wondering how tax rate can affect loyalty, well here are some examples and simple math.Ex:Tax Rate 10%=90 LoyaltyTax Rate 5%=95 LoyaltyAs you can see, if you have 5% tax rate for example, your loyalty will decreases by 5. If you had 2% tax rate, then the loyalty will decrease by 2.Q: How Does Loyalty Effect Population?A: It can, when your loyalty drops.
Your population falls and the trend is downward. That is why you may notice 'losing population' when your loyalty drops down lower than before.Tax Rate:Tax rate can affect your loyalty too, as you saw the examples listed above.Q:How high should my tax rate be?I usually set my around from 1-20%. 20% gives you decent amount at a time and good loyalty, you will be left with 80 loyalty. Population also does effect gold, as if you have none, your revenue will be 0. And the higher population, the more revenue you will get. Usually you should start off with 10%, as to high will result in some damages to your city.
So make sure your tax rate is set good.Last edited by Lord Ken Deathmarr; at 05:43 AM. Part XI - Items and The Wheel of FortuneItems and ShopHOT SALEThese items are various items that are bought often. The items within will be explained in their appropriate sectionsITEMSThis is a group of items that do not have a specific category. Ranges from Hero leveling items to teleporting your city.The Items ThemselvesPAGE 1Civil code:An item that increases your population by either 20% or 100 whichever is more. Normally used to help recover from a heavy attack series on your city as using while population is full would only mean a temporary increase thus a waste of money.Price: 50 cents: 5 USDWealth of Nations:Increases your heros politics by 25% for 7 days. To use go Feast hall select your best politics hero (should be your mayor) hit view, reward, then select wealth of nations from the drop down list then hit reward again.Price: 40 cents: 4 USDEpitome of Military Science:Increase a heros experience level by 10,000 points or by 30% of level cap (the experience level needed to level up to the next level) which ever is more.
To use go to feast hall select the hero you want, click view then next to his exp bar there is a little + sign. Click on that and select Epitome of Military Science from the drop down menu. Exp given goes up the higher the lvl of the hero it is used on.Price: 30 cents: 3 USDAnabasis:Increases a heros experience by 1000 points or 8% of level cap whichever is greater. Normally used on low lvl heros for quick level up. Exp given goes up the higher the lvl of the hero it is used on. To use follow the same steps as Epitome of Military Science.Price: 8 cents: 80 US centsOn War:Considered the best of the 3, increases a heros experience by 100,000 points or 100% of the level cap whichever is more. Best used on high lvl heros as they often require 200,000 or more exp for each lvl up.
Exp given goes up the higher the lvl of the hero it is used on. To use follow the same steps as Epitome of Military Science and Anabasis.Price: 100 cents: 10 USDTruce Agreement:An item used to prevent getting attacked for a 12 hour period. Good to use if under attack or about to be attacked by a much better player. Note: incoming attacks when used will still hit but will prevent further actions against you. To use click on your ingame picture go to Player status hit change, select truce, input your password then hit change 1 more time.
Must have a truce agreement item for this to work. Other factors needed for it to work: all troops must be in your city(ies). Effects of truce. No players can attack or scout you but you also can not scout or attack anything for the duration of the truce. There is a 12 hour cooldown between uses.Price: 30 cents: 3 USDSpeech TextGreat for recovering from being zerod, this item instantly puts your loyalty back at 100 and reduces public greivance to zero. To use go to my items, detail, apply.Price: 100 cents: 10 USDArt of War:Increase a heros Inteligence by 25% for 7 days.
Best used on your inteligence hero (of course). Activated the same way as Wealth of Nations, Except on best Inteligence hero instead of best politics hero.Price: 40 cents: 4 USDMichaelAngelo Script:Arguably the most valuable item in the game allows you to upgrade a building from lvl 9 to 10.
Regardless of the description lv 10 is the highest a building can go. To use select a lv 9 building have the necessary resources and hit upgrade. Normally used on the Town hall or Walls first. Side note: Often referred to as a mich script or ma scriptPrice: 50 cents: 5 USDPAGE 2Hero Hunting:Useful for Refreshing the Inn While searching for decent herosPrice: 5 cents: 50 US centsCity teleporter:the basic teleporter. Useful for getting out of a warzone where you are constantly getting attacked, or moveing to the state where the majority of your alliance members are. Can only teleport to a specified state.
To use go to my items, detail, select the state you want from the drop down, hit apply.Price: 30 cents: 3 USDAdv City Teleporter:The best teleporter. Can teleport your city to specific coordinates of an empty flat. To use go to my items, detail, input the coordinates of where you want your city to be and hit apply. There is a 24 hour cooldown on atks and scouting after use so be careful where you select.Price: 90 cents: 9 USDNew Id:This item allows you to change your ingame name.Price: 200 cents: 20 USDNational Flag:This item allows you to change the text on your flag. Most often used to change to your Alliance flag.
To use click your ingame picture go to flag hit change input the text you want (4 characters) and hit changePrice: 6 cents: 60 US centsWar Ensign:This item allows you to send 25% more troops over your troop dispatch limit.As a maximum with a lv 10 rally spot you may send 100k troops in a wave. Using this item however allows you to send up to 125k troops in a wave. To use just check the apply war ensign checkbox in your ralley spot.
Note the troop limit you have is your ralley spot level times 10,000Price: 30 Cents: 3 USDWar Horn:Increases your troops attack by 20% works for 24 hours and is stackable. Nullified if the defender applies a Corselet. To use go to my items, detail, then apply.Price: 10 cents: 1 USDIvory Horn:Boosted version of war horn. Works for 7 days instead of 24 hours, also is stackable.
Nullified if the defender applies an Ultra Corselet. Applied the same way as war horn.price: 60 cents: 6 USDRitual of Pact:Allows you to instantly increase the member limit of your alliance to 100 regardless of your position within the alliance or your embassy lvl. Use if your member limit for your alliance is not 100.
Most expensive single item within the game so farPrice: 500 cents: 50 USDPAGE 3Corselet:Increases your troops defence by 20% for 24 hours. Nullifies and is nullified by war horn of an opponent.It is stackable.Price: 10 cents: 1 USDUltra Corselet:Boosted version of Corselet. Works for 7 days instead of 24 hours. Is also stackable. Nullifies and is nullified by Ivory Horn of an opponentPrice: 60 cents: 6 USDPenicilin:An item that increases your wound rate by 30% during battles. Works for 7 days.
It is stackable.Price: 120 cents: 12 USDHoly Water:an item that is used to reduce a hero to base stats. Used to take a good high level hero that is found and turn him into a great high lvl hero. To use, use the redistribute button on the hero upgrade page. Every 10 lvls requires another holy water.Price: 20 cents: 2 USDHoly Water 5 piece package:Item that contains 5 holy water.
Automatically adds to your holy water inventory when purchasedPrice: 90 cents: 9 USDDynamite:an item used to completely remove a building from a build spot instantly. No resources gained from doing this.Price: 20 cents: 2 USDExcalibur:Increases a heros attack stat by 25% for 7 days. Applied the same way as Wealth of nations and Art of War. Use on your best attack stat hero.Price: 40 cents: 4 USDSpeaker:Item that allows chatting in the world channelPrice: 3 cents: 30 US centsSpeaker 10 piece package:Item that contains 10 speakers.
Must detail and apply the item to get the speakers out of the package after purchase.Price: 27 cents: $2.70 USDPAGE 4Speaker 100 piece package:Same as the 10 Piece Package except contains 100 Speakers instead of 10. Same steps required to get the speakers out of package after purchasePrice: 240 cents: 24 USDSPEED UPThese items are used to speed up actions from everything from building buildings to getting resources off the market.The ItemsBeginner Guidelines:Decreases build times or research time of a building or technology by 15 minutes.
PRODUCEThese items increase your production rates of all resourcesThe ItemsPlowshares:the basic food produce upgrade. Increases production rate by 25% for 24 hours.Price: 8 cents: 80 US centsIron Rake:Boosted version of plowshares works for 7 days instead of 24 hoursPrice: 50 cents: 5 USDArch Saw:Basic Lumber production upgrade. Increases production Rate by 25% for 24 hoursPrice: 8 cents: 80 US centsDouble Saw:Boosted version of Arch Saw. Works for 7 days instead of 24 hoursQuarrying tools:Basic stone production upgrade. Increases production rate by 25% for 24 hoursPrice: 8 cents: 80 US centsAdv Quarrying tools:boosted version of Quarrying tools, works for 7 days instead of 24 hours.Price: 50 cents: 5 USDBlower:Basic iron production upgrade. Increases production rate by 25% for 24 hoursPrice: 8 cents: 80 US centsBlast Furnace:Boosted version of Blower.
Works for 7 days instead of 24 hours.Price: 50 cents: 5 USDTax Policy:Increases Tax income by 100% for 24 hours.Price: 35 cents: $3.50 USDPAGE 2Adv Tax Policy:Boosted version of Tax Policy. Works for 7 days instead of 24 hours.Price: 280 cents: 28 USDAll Produce items can be activated by going to my items, Detail, and apply. All produce items are stackable.CHESTThese items contain random things from numbers of medals to random items in general.
The Wheel of FortuneThanks goes to hods for making this guide:So here are your chances and all that good stuff when using the wheel of fortune. Keep in mind that all percentages are rounded.You have a 1.73% chance of winning the Jackpot.Jackpot Rewards:Penicillin - 0.276%Ritual of Pact - 0.172%War Ensign (15) - 0.155%Speaker (200) - 0.121%Senior Medal Box - 0.121%Medium Medal Box - 0.121%Adv.
City Teleporter - 0.103%Adv.