Roll Away Your Stone

Check out Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford & Sons on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Roll Away Your Stone (Live from Shepherd's Bush Empire, 2010) by Mumford & Sons. 4.2 out of 5 stars 13. MP3 Music Listen with Music Unlimited. Or $1.29 to buy MP3. Roll Away Your Stone Explicit (Live) by Mumford & Sons. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1.

  • Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Apr 7, 2017 (message contributor)

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Summary: Do you find yourself living like a half dead Christian. Is your faith something that is buried instead of alive in you? You may need Jesus to Roll away the stone keeping you from a Resurrection kind of faith.

Roll Away the Stone

John Chapter 11

Jesus crosses the line and goes back to Judea where his friend Lazarus has died.

Sometimes God will call us and ask us to cross the line.

To go from a place of relative safety to a place of danger.

The last time Jesus was in Judea they tried to kill Him by stoning but this does not stop Him from returning.

His friend needs Him and he needs Jesus badly.

There are times in life when God will ask you and me to cross the line.

Our world has drawn new lines in the sand in an effort to separate us from those who need what only Jesus can give.

Our world says – keep your religion to yourself – we don’t want it here.

Our world says – if you dare to talk about Jesus in this place their will be trouble.

Our world says forget about your friends they are beyond the reach of your Jesus.

Jesus does not worry about their threats or insults or lack of faith – Jesus crosses the line even though they threatened to kill Him the last time.

Jesus love for Lazarus is greater than His fear of death.

Our faith in Jesus should be greater than our fear of death.

It was for this reason that Jesus crossed the line, to show us that the power of God’s love can reach beyond our present circumstances and into death itself in order to bring us back to life.

This is what Mary and Martha did not understand.

September 11th remembrance. They knew Jesus could heal people on this side of the line.

Jesus had healed all kinds of people of all kinds of things, the blind, the deaf, the crippled, those with leprosy, those possessed by demons.

Jesus had healed them all. But now Lazarus was dead he was no longer on this side of the line.

Martha and Mary had their faith tested as never before it crossed a line for them.

Does your faith in Jesus cross the line of the here and now and reach into the hereafter?

Reader Rabbit 2 is a computer game in The Learning Company's Reader Rabbit series of children's educational games. It was released in 1991. It was released in 1991. It was re-released as Deluxe in 1996 and as Reader Rabbit's Reading 2 in 1997. Reader Rabbit's Reading 2 (1997) Vowel Pond - Level 1. Reader rabbit reading. Gameplay of Reader Rabbit 2, a educational game for kids. This is the vowel pond, were you learn by fishing for words with the proper sound. A old PC game for windows. Reader Rabbit 2 is a solid piece of educational software which really helps younger children become better readers, although it's not without its flaws. The Learning Company obviously steeps its software in an educational - as opposed to an edutainment - background, which is good.

Jesus said to Martha…”your brother will rise again.” John 11:24

Martha replied… “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day”

Martha was trying to put on a brave face. She knew her Bible she knew that one day God will bring back to life all those who have died with faith in Him.

But Jesus was not talking about the final resurrection, Jesus was talking about here and now.

Jesus said… “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this? John 11:25-26

“Yes Lord she told Him, “I believe that you are the Christ the Son of God, who was to come into the world.”

Martha was saying; I believe that you are the one who has crossed the line from Heaven to Earth, that you are the promised one of God, the Son of God sent to save all of us who live in this world.

Friend do you believe that Jesus is the one who can cross the line for you?

Do you believe that Jesus can reach beyond your sickness, beyond your weakness and infirmity to restore you?

Jesus has crossed the line for you. He has come from Heaven to reach out to you here on earth.

You may feel very much like Lazarus, you may feel that you are dead laying in a tomb. You may feel that you are sealed up behind some big rock where no one can see you or reach you.

But friend that’s not the case for you or for me.

Jesus has crossed the line. Jesus has stepped forward into your circumstance to show you that He has the power over life and death.

Jesus has the power over your life and your death over my life and my death and just like Lazarus Jesus says…

“Roll away the stone”. John 11:39

Jesus is not going to leave us to the grave.

Jesus is calling us out of the grave even now.

Jesus is calling us to a life in Him.

A life that is changed by His power and presence in us.

“Friends don’t be discouraged, He’s still the same, He’ll roll back the stone, and He’ll call out your name.”

Our God is the God of the living. Our God sent Jesus the “I am” of the Resurrection to call us out of our tomb and into a Resurrected life.

We can have that life here and now, it can begin today.

Ask Jesus to call you out of your tomb and into His presence.

There is no stone He cannot roll away.

Step out to the sound of His voice and come alive in Him.

Cross the line from death to life – Amen.

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This song is about the human condition we find ourselves in in contemporary western society, and the threat and damaging nature of the homogenization of people under the influence of our capitalist and consumer culture lifestyle. (becoming the samething as everyone else, losing ourself as someone unique and becoming no-one)We have these stones that we hold on to and they keep us divided from each other as unique and true-selves. If we roll them away we could see what is the true nature of our relation with each other and who we should be in the world.We are so used to this condition of not being our selves that we are scared of what any other possibility of life will be like. Our 'bridges' to other possibilities 'have been burned'.

Because we never truely know what our meaning is in this world we hold on to these strategies of feeling meaningful like: 1) religious justification,2) having a career and make money, 3) suppress others to feel special. All these things 'steal' our character, we are just numbers and functions in a structure of production, which is supposed to serve us, instead we serve it.And we fill this 'void' of not knowing the meaning of our existence with 'things unreal'. Such as money and material possessions like cars and clothes. Religion is our only sense of experiencing our soul, but in our society, religions have become institutionalized and corrupted away from it's divine presence. (frankly it's no coincidence that our societal system and patterns of organizing ourselves have been born from our religious institutions)Because we hold on to these 'stones' we find safety in always falling back on tradition.

But what we must realise is that we cannot fall back on them anymore. 'it's not the long walk home' and falling back on the past that will change the way we feel about ourselves and eachother, it won't 'change this heart'. But rather we have to look forward, not back. We should 'welcome' this move forward together, not just as a group of people homogenized as things, but as a collection of unique individuals as persons.The agents that have tried to keep us apart throughout history and keep us divided and ignorant of our amazing love and uniqueness 'have come too far this time'. There is nothing that they can do or say to persuade us into becoming no-one's and denying ourselves from our true selves, 'they have neither reason nor rhyme'. They will not take this 'soul that is rightfully mine'. Mumford and sons themselves claim thatthis song is hugely inspired by shakespeare's macbeth.

The song makes more sense when youve read macbeth of course.' Roll away your stone, ill roll away mine.Together we can see what we will findDon't leave me alone at this timeFor I am afraid of what I will discover inside'i think this is macbeth speaking to lady macbeth in act 1 scene 5. This is when she tells him to be a man and not succumb to foolishness, fear or cowardice. Being the weak character we see of macbeth, he seems that he's begging her to guide him because his conscience tells him assassinating the king is wrong, while he is greedy and overambitious for the throne.'

Cause you told me that I would find a holeWithin the fragile substance of my soulAnd I have filled this void with things unrealAnd all the while my character it steals'again, it seems like he's continuing to hold onto lady macbeth's hand for help.he has a conflict inside him which he believes can be cleared at the moment,by speaking to his wife.' Darkness is a harsh term don't you think?And yet it dominates the things I see'as we know, immediately after the second scene in act 1, he hasnt forgotten the oracles of the supernatural witches. I suppose the above two lines refer to when macbeth sees an imaginary dagger guiding him to kill duncan. Hence he says darkness dominates the things i see. I am wondering if there is a relation to Macbeth. In the book page 16, line 50 it states 'Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.'

(Shakespeare, William.Macbeth.United States of America:Bantam Books,?)And in the song it says'Stars hide your fires,And these here are my desiresAnd I won't give them up to you this time aroundAnd so, I’ll be found with my stake stuck in this groundMarking its territory of this newly impassioned soul'in addition to that, the last line of this quote from the song could asldo relate to Macbeths being awarded thane of Cawdor-recieving territory from the king for his action.wether it was meant to be or not, I do think there is a relation. I am wondering if there is a relation to Macbeth. In the book page 16, line 50 it states 'Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.'

(Shakespeare, William.Macbeth.United States of America:Bantam Books,?)And in the song it says'Stars hide your fires,And these here are my desiresAnd I won't give them up to you this time aroundAnd so, I’ll be found with my stake stuck in this groundMarking its territory of this newly impassioned soul'in addition to that, the last line of this quote from the song could asldo relate to Macbeths being awarded thane of Cawdor-recieving territory from the king for his action.wether it was meant to be or not, I do think there is a relation. I can't stop listening to this song. Different sites have slightly different lyrics, and they change the meaning drastically. I think that the word 'home' above should actually be 'hole'. It makes more sense with the reference to 'void' later. That said, I was hearing 'home' first also.I too wondered about the last three lines, but now I'm leaning toward the interpretation that 'you' is referring to 'the darkness'.

It makes more sense with the rest of the song. Whether that darkness is addiction or something more religious could go either way.

I actually think any religious undertones in roll away your stone are about the religion or belief in the self. The lyrics imply the singer is having an internal dialogue or debate. Or in psychological terms what is called cognitive dissonance. He has been hurt or damaged and wants to heal and move on and trust again but knows that he has many obstacles to face before he reaches contentment and trust. The familiar battle between the devil you know or the devil you don't!

This will speak to anybody who has been through addiction, loss, grief, pain, anger.I think the last verse is the singer talking to his past self telling him he has moved on from the bad place he was in and doesn't want to return to it. He is showing belief and trust in the positive stronger version of himself.Just my interpretation of a brilliant song. I've always taken this song to be about personal identity. And searching for something more than just who 'you' are. Specifically the line 'i'm afraid of what i will discover inside'. The idea that when we're left with just our thoughts, we see who we really are.

The next stanza about the 'soul' and 'void' is how we try to find joy and contentment in consumption. Relating back to the end of the first verse, that still we what do we really have at the end of the day? A void that can't be filled that slowly eats away at who we are.the third verse about grace reminds me of the parable of the prodigal son. 'it's not the long walk home that will change this heart, but the welcome i receive at the restart.' That the journey may break us, but the grace at the end of the journey is what truly changes one's heart. Just a thought.i'm not sure about the end.

I love the line about his 'newly empassioned soul.' I guess it comes down to making a stand for who you are and what you believe. And that those things are left only for you.